
Coaching Services

It all begins with you and your goal! Maybe you want to race a Crit, ride a Century, complete the Belgian Waffle Ride, (there’s an average 30% DNF rate) get a new Strava KOM or QOM or drop you buddy at the local “Wednesday Worlds”. Or you just want to get fitter and have more fun? We can help!

Based on your goals, our coaching will be tailored to you. Workouts are reviewed, feedback provided and adjustments made accordingly. We are there to provide structure, analysis, guidance and accountability. Our pricing is simple and transparent, there are no set up fees. Our monthly coaching fees are:

  • Single Sport $150

  • Dual Sport $175

  • Multi Sport $200


Custom Plans

A Customized Plan is exactly that, it is customized based on your goals to get you where you want to go! We provide specific structured workouts that are executable either indoors or outdoors.

Customized Plans start at $14 per week (much less than a cup of fancy coffee per day) and last a minimum of 12 weeks, which provides three 4-week blocks. That’s a total of $168, it’s a small investment that can generate large returns!

Each Plan comes with a “pre-week” to make sure you are all set up okay in Training Peaks and all your Technology is working. During the pre-week, I'll work with you on ironing out any technical issues or rescheduling anything that you know you need to work around, such as holidays, etc.


Do I need a Coach or a Plan?

Whether or not to have a Coach is a great question and the answer is really, it depends.

The “depends” is complex and is based on you and your own level of motivation, self accountability and comfort in using the tools and analysis.

If you are looking for an overall uplift in performance (vs training for a specific event) a plan can work well...as long as you follow it. But if you have a specific goal event, you feel you need the daily accountability, the workout review and feedback then having a Coach in your corner is the way to go!

TrainingPeaks Accredited

We have met the requirements to be Level 2 accredited.

This is the highest level of TrainingPeaks accreditation. Level 2 coaches have completed TrainingPeaks University and have demonstrated their ability to utilize metrics in TrainingPeaks. They can provide you with the expert instruction and feedback you need to achieve your goals.