What our clients say…

When I was self training I would talk myself out of riding when I knew I should be training. With Stuart's motivation, work outs, and always answering any of my questions, he has motivated me to train better, improve my endurance, try new events, and ride longer distances IRL that I would have never tried before.

Cindy C, Nebraska, USA

I recently got back into cycling and being out of shape I started with the Beginner’s plan, went on the the Sweet Spot Training, and am now following the Covid Ruined my Races plan. These plans are extremely well written and push you to your limit without taking you over the edge! I have seen vast improvement in my cycling, weight loss and overall fitness.

John I, Texas, USA

I had been Zwifting for some time and wasn’t seeing any progress. I tried a few of the Zwift programs and still didn’t feel much improvement in my fitness. I decided to give Stuart's Sweet Spot Training Plan a go. At times it was tough but always do-able. I started to lose weight (not my main objective but happily accepted) the long rides on the weekend started to get more manageable and at the end I had a nice FTP bump. I find I can control my heart rate on longer efforts and recover quicker after hard efforts. I would highly recommend his plans.

Janice N, Aukland, New Zealand

As an unfit 60 year old... I started the Beginners Training Plan two weeks ago on an e-bike and found the training to be exactly what I needed to get me back on the saddle. The last couple of training sessions I have completed without needing e-bike assistance. The progression is gradual but improves with every workout, noticeably. I would definitely recommend this training to anyone starting out, or unfit like me!

Rob S, Somerset, UK

After a few months of Zwifting (and cycling in general) I felt I would benefit from a more structured approach so took on the Herd Sweet Spot Plan. It certainly helped in boosting my FTP and shedding a few kg but perhaps more importantly I learnt about different levels of effort and how to pace myself which has made me more confident in taking on longer or harder rides.

Jon I, London, UK

I have been active on Zwift doing both group rides and many of the Zwift training plans. What I found is that I was not able to recover properly and my ftp seemed to be decreasing. Worst of all I kept increasing ride lengths thinking that it would make me stronger. What I realize know was that I was burning out and suffering from a lack of recovery periods. I know this as a result of starting Stuart’s Sweet Spot plan on Training Peaks. At first it seemed too easy but with time it has helped me feel stronger on the bike and to pace myself at certain zones. The biggest challenge has been to adhere to the rest days as old habits are hard to break. I highly recommend his plans which will help you become a stronger rider who will feel a sense of confidence to take on harder rides in Zwift or IRL.

Avi F, Florida, USA

Very pleased with both the Sweet Spot and Covid Ruined my Races plans. The Sweet Spot training plan in particular increased my usable power over a whole hour.

Paul S, Tennessee, USA

Stuart is a great coach. He 1st taught me how to spin which was holding me back from higher FTP, then worked on endurance and I just never really get tired. Now it’s on to building that FTP. He broke me down and rebuilt me! The journey has been great!

Jeff D, New York, USA

I've been working with the Sweet Spot plan for four weeks now. I'm already making progress in my strength endurance. I hope to be able to improve further in the remaining time. It's a great plan.

Thomas K, Bonn, Germany

I am working my way through the Beginners Plan, it is easy to follow and I like the exercise video that is linked in the plan with the stretches. I have scheduled the Sweet Spot training after I have finished this plan.

David W, Melbourne, Australia

I am firstly a runner, but have just started cross training on the bike. I'm quite new to Zwift and have been following the Beginners Plan for a few weeks now. I love how the plan gives you set workouts to do on set days, makes training so easy to stick to when it's in the diary. The training is fun and well structured and I am always looking forward to the next workout. When I have completed the Beginners Plan, I will definitely move onto the next one. Highly recommended, thank you!!

Avril A, London, UK

I have so far completed the Beginners Plan I'm not a beginner but have had a bit of time off the bike so this helped me out greatly in getting motivated to start again I am now almost through the Sweet Spot plan which is excellent in my view just enough to keep you on the edge but enough rest periods also to help you recover .i will once completed start the Sweet Spot all over again with a higher FTP to.keep the fitness and power coming highly recommended plans

Chris F, Doncaster, UK

Stuart’s Sweet Spot program has assisted me to begin racing again. After multiple injuries, surgeries, etc. I thought I would never be able to achieve the fitness again! Luckily for me Stuart’s program got me going again. I am truly grateful to Stuart for helping me reach my goals!

Courtney T, New York, USA

I started Zwifting after I had to stop riding outside because of all kids (3,7,9) at home now. After a few weeks I needed something to keep me going. I started the Sweet Spot plan and I am now in week three. This Plan is awesome! And it gets really challenging. Thanks Stuart! I Love it😊

Sandra M, Göttingen, Germany

I have been working with Stuart since January 2020 and since this time, the increase in my fitness and power is incredible... and I've lost more than 10kg which is a bonus! When I look back to when I started, I struggled with rides over an hour. Now I have no problems with rides lasting three or four hours.

Grant M, Aberdeen, Scotland

Highly recommended! the plan is spot on for what I need to get some structure in my training.

Akquarius, Willich, Germany

The Sweet Spot Training Plan is a great plan for almost anyone. I am a returner to cycling after almost a year off. Rarely had I ever done a ride over 45 minutes to an hour. This Sweet Spot Plan is setup for even me to be able to push myself and then get the rest I need just when I think I can't do more.Even with being just half way done, I feel stronger and have more endurance.

Andrea K, New York, USA

I’ve been training on Zwift for a little over 2 years and already had a few ups and downs. I set myself a goal for the year of getting a 10% increase in FTP. Working with Stuart’s training plans, I was able to achieve my goal in 18 weeks what I set our to do in a year. The structure of the plans are great and really keeps you focused on what you need to do.

Marius, Larvik, Norway

Stuart transformed my riding. Before taking him on as a coach, I was prone to overtraining. I would ride and race relentlessly, not realizing the benefit of rest and of following a structured training program. There came a point whereby my performance reached a plateau. Stuart quickly identified my bad training habits and set about instilling discipline and purpose in my training regime. After only a couple of months, my performance improved, along with my FTP and I feel like I am making solid gains as a rider on Zwift and IRL. As a person, Stuart, is insightful, humorous, empathetic, hard-working and down-to-earth. I couldn’t ask for more.

Sarah H, Bridgenorth UK

I worked with Stuart for a bit over two months between racing seasons and saw a significant increase in my power as well as in my endurance! I was impressed by his involvement and helpfulness and would recommend any cyclist looking to improve to work with him!

Joel G, Washington, USA